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The Max Planck International Research Network on the History of Science was established in September 2005 with the participation of twelve leading institutions for the history of science in Europe and the USA. (Click on the Links below for more information on the Member Institutions).


Prof. Günter Abel, TU Berlin
Prof. Jochen Brüning, HU Berlin
Prof. Lorraine Daston, MPI for the History of Science, Berlin
Prof. Peter Galison, Harvard University, Cambridge
Prof. Paolo Galluzzi, Institute and Museum of the History of Science, Florence
Prof. Michael Hagner, ETH Zürich
Dr. Nick Hopwood, University of Cambridge
Prof. Friedrich Kittler, HU Berlin
Prof. Eberhard Knobloch, TU Berlin
Prof. Thomas Macho, HU Berlin
Prof. Everett Mendelsohn, Harvard University, Cambridge
Prof. Dominique Pestre, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris
Prof. Claudio Pogliano, University of Pisa
Prof. Jürgen Renn, MPI for the History of Science, Berlin
Prof. Carsten Reinhardt, University of Bielefeld
Prof. Hans-Jörg Rheinberger, MPI for the History of Science, Berlin
Prof. Simon Schaffer, University of Cambridge
Dr. Christian Sichau, Deutsches Museum, München
Prof. Jacob Tanner, University of Zurich
Prof. Helmuth Trischler, Deutsches Museum, München
Prof. Peter Weingart, University of Bielefeld