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The network is supported by partners on a project-by-project basis. The announcement of the Wandering Seminar f. e. was followed by an impressive public interest in the format and in substantial participation. Thus it was possible to co-opt four museums highly innovative in their attempts to bridge museum work and academic science history. In Berlin, contacts to the Technical University and the Humboldt University intensified via co-organised events; some local museums also presented themselves as ‘treasure troves’ for diverse scientific objects. For the and its focus on the museum as a working place for historians of science we found Cooperation Partners at different institutes, which are well known for their expertise in the History of Science.
New partnerships are welcomed.





for the Project Wandering Seminar


Professor Jim Bennett, Museum for the History of Science Oxford

Professor Robert Bud, Dr Peter Morris, Science Museum London

Professor Thomas Söderqvist, Medical Museion Copenhagen

Professor Gottfried Böhm, NRRC Eikones, Basel

Professor Hans-Konrad Schmutz, Naturmuseum Winterthur


for the Project Objects in Transition

Professor Anke te Heesen, University Museum, Tübingen
Lisa Newble, Ruth Horry, Whipple Museum, Cambridge
Claudia Schuster, Deutsches Technikmuseum, Berlin
Professor Gerhard Scholtz, Zoological Teaching Collections, HU Berlin
Professor Ferdinand Dammaschun, Natural History Museum, Berlin


for the Project Microscope Slides


Professor Ilana Loewy, CERMES, Paris
Professor Thomas Schnalke, Medical History Museum, Berlin
Professor Gerhard Scholtz, Zoological Teaching Collections, HU Berlin
Dr Peter Giere, Natural History Museum, Berlin
Dr Birger Neuhaus, Natural History Museum, Berlin
Dr Annick Opinel, Institut Pasteur, Paris